Your personal data is important to us. M Label aims to comply with the requirements of the Singapore Personal Data Protection Act 2012 (“PDPA”).
For more information about the PDPA, please visit the Personal Data Protection Commission’s website at http://www.pdpc.gov.sg.
The main purposes for which your personal data is collected, used or disclosed by M Label Pte Ltd include:
providing you with our products and services,
managing your account, postings and ads,
answering your enquiries and feedback,
improving our products and services,
sending you marketing and promotional offers on products and services
personalized content and advertising based on your preferences or demographics.
In addition, if you have registered your mobile phone number with the national Do Not Call (DNC) registry, we will not send you promotional and marketing messages via your mobile phone number unless you have provided M Label Pte Ltd. consent to do so.
M Label Pte Ltd will take reasonable measures to protect your personal data from unauthorized access, use or disclosure, and to destroy any personal data that is no longer required to be retained.
Should you have any feedback or enquiries relating to your personal data or if you wish to stop receiving promotional or marketing messages from M Label Pte Ltd, please
Telephone:8823 8778
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